This is what spearheading telehealth looks like in one of the nation’s largest districts
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This is what spearheading telehealth looks like in one of the nation’s largest districts

“It doesn’t matter if you have the best teacher in the classroom and high-quality materials… if our students’ well-being is not taken care of, they’re not going to be able to receive all of that great instruction,” says Candice Castillo, executive officer of student support services at Houston ISD.

‘It was the best professional development that I had ever been through’
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‘It was the best professional development that I had ever been through’

When Superintendent Jonathan Prince took the helm at St. Lucie Public Schools in 2022, he described it as being passed the torch by Bear Bryant. Fortunately, he had the experience from District Administration’s Superintendent’s Academy to rely on.

How this superintendent incorporated high-dosage tutoring that produces results
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How this superintendent incorporated high-dosage tutoring that produces results

Guilford County Schools Superintendents has helped the district set its sights on three areas crucial for the success of her students post-pandemic: expanding learning, high-intensity tutoring and acceleration—not remediation—by teaching kids grade-level content.